He’s a good guy

“He’s a good guy, that one”. What comes to mind when you hear these words? Have people called you the ‘good guy/girl’? Does it inspire you? Our words matter. Be an encourager!

Yesterday, I reconnected with a friend from long ago. We got chatting, and he shared a little of his life. He told me about some plans he’d had, that fell through. He could see how God had stopped him from realising that goal, in order to set him up for something greater (Ever experienced that? I know I have! His plans and ways are higher than ours, right! 😁 Isaiah 55:9). My friend also shared about how another friend had been an encouragement to him, telling me that, “He’s a good guy”. I had to agree. And it got me thinking…

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

Proverbs 27:17 NLT

Firstly, I believe that we need to speak ‘goodness’ over the men in our world. That is, we should be those who look for the gold in them and appreciate it. Tell them. Tell others.

This is something God has really spoken to me over the years – that Godly men need women who back them. As women champion men, they submit appropriately to the headship that God has given them. This allows men to operate in the full authority and role that God’s given them. Also, I believe that this brings unity and strength. What man wouldn’t appreciate a woman who respects him and values the role God has called him to? Wouldn’t this man be secure and confident? Wouldn’t this lead to men and women being able to work together from a place of strength, rather than competitiveness?

Ephesians 2:10 states, For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Why not appreciate the masterpieces around us and encourage them to do the things God has called them to? Remember, we’re all different for a reason. Just as a body has lots of parts that function together, we need one another!

Secondly, should we not be seeing the good in everyone? (Male and female)

What a blessing to build another person up, to offer support and encouragement, to feed their talents and gifts, to honour where honour is due! I have never met a person who didn’t appreciate someone taking the time to let them know that they are valued and valuable.

I recall chatting with a particularly challenging child about his report card. When I made a big deal of his strengths, he tried to brush it off with, “Oh but yeah, my marks are rubbish”. Still I persevered to make more of his growth and successes. Try as he might (and he tried mighty hard!), he couldn’t help the grin that slowly crept onto his face. The truth is, we all like to know that someone has noticed something good in us – a character trait, something we’ve done, a positive and persistent attitude, our smile… or any of a million other things. A little encouragement tends to go a long way. Kids at school usually give a bit more effort after they’ve received some positive feedback. I’m sure you have your own memories of when someone spurred you on, with a kind word too. You would know the impact it had on you.

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

A simple challenge this week, be the person who can say, “He’s a good guy” or “She’s a great girl”. Let others know that you value them. Brighten the world with your words and a smile!


A girl growing in appreciation of others

Scripture references: The Holy Bible (several translations)

Photo credit:


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