Today is the day

We’re living in a brave new world… Making sense of COVID-19 and self-isolation.

Well hi there friends, from my lounge room to yours, a huge, happy hello! 

I’m guessing you, like me, are finding life a little different at the moment, with all the changes to society and the social isolation. 

Being out of routine, or not in the norm, can be a little unsettling. A friend was sharing with me about how she finds that unstructured days can tend to morph into one, and it can feel like you’re achieving nothing or not making the best use of your time. I agree! Life outside ‘the box’ of our usual ways can be a bit weird. 

So, while TODAY we may not be living life quite as we had planned, it’s a great time to remember that,  “This (TODAY) is the day that the Lord has made” so we can, “rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 118:24).

TODAY is the day to cast our cares upon Jesus rather than being worried (1 Peter 5:7 and Matthew 6:34). He knew today would come. He is still good and still has a plan.  His love for us hasn’t changed. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

TODAY is the day to trust that He will provide for us, all we need (Matthew 6:11).

TODAY is the day to remember that we’re sons and daughters, and He is our daddy (PS 2:7).  Loving fathers look out for their children. He’s looking out for you and me. 

TODAY is the day that Jesus wants to come to our house (Luke 19:5). We can invite Him in, to be a part of every part of our day. We get to celebrate Jesus and change our perspective – we’re not stuck inside, we’re able to take a rest from some of life’s demands and we have the opportunity to be spending more time with God (and possibly with family). 

TODAY is the day to hear His voice (Psalm 95:7 and Hebrews 3:7, 15). God tells us to call to Him and He will answer us and tell us remarkable things (Jeremiah 33:3). We can make this time a time of prayer – chatting with our Heavenly Father and listening as He responds. 

TODAY is the day to encourage others (Hebrews 3:13). There are a lot of people out there feeling a little lost or unsure of things right now. Some are scared. Some lonely. Some concerned about what the future will hold for them and their families. Reach out and show some love today. We can make a phone or video call, drop a care package on someone’s doorstep if we are able to, send a message or letter, or simply wave at our neighbour and call out to say hi. 

TODAY is the day to see miracles. God is working miracles today, just as He did in bible times. Back then, he multiplied loaves and fishes. This week, He has given my family vegetables (my Dad has been given them from a few different people he has been working for). Back then, Jesus healed many people. A couple of years ago, he healed me in the most miraculous way from health issues I’d had for about twenty years. Every symptom and all pain went. My body is whole and well.  Praise God for His ongoing miracles. Let’s keep our eyes peeled to see them, and our hearts ready to receive! 

TODAY is the day to rest peacefully, knowing that while we “make plans” for our lives, “the Lord directs our steps” (Proverbs 16:9). So, while our lives may not be going entirely to our plan, they will still go well, if we trust His ways. God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours, and He’ll use this ‘hiccup’ for good Isaiah 55:8,9 and Romans 8:28). 

And TODAY is the day to maintain some routine to keep our sanity and not turn into slobs ha ha. We can do the simple things that might make life seem a little more normal…

  • Get out of bed (don’t laze the whole day away) 
  • Shower and get dressed for the day 
  • Stick to meal times and eat healthily 
  • Create a ‘to do’ list of a couple of things to ‘make the day count’ (e.g. projects around the house, hobbies, books to read, learning a new skill, catching up on jobs etc. ) 
  • Exercise
  • Get some fresh air and enjoy nature (even if it’s just the backyard) 
  • Connect with others
  • Maintain God-time
  • Keep going to church (online) 
  • Smile! Laugh! Enjoy the day! 

We’re all a people growing in understanding a new way of living, in this current season.

Scripture references: The Holy Bible (several translations)

Photo credits:

Person’s hand on a COVID-19 sign (Cotton bro)

Photography of woman surrounded by sunflowers (Andre Furtado)

Photo of pineapple wearing black aviator sunglasses and party hat (Pineapple supply)

Low angle photography of man jumping (Vlad Chetan)

Photo of child praying (Bintu Malu)

Woman in mask holding toilet paper (Anna Shvets)

Man in black jacket beside boy in pink jacket holding plush (Negative space)

Black kettle beside condiment shakers and green fruit (Mark McCammon)

Photo of a boy listening in headphones (Jonas Mohamadi)

Black and white laptop (Prateek Katyal)

Variety of vegetables (Ella Olsson)

Close up of window at home (

Gold iPad beside stylus (Plush design studio)

© Girl Growing. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Girl Growing,

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